Ready for your Best picture day ever?

If  your school is in the DC, Maryland, or Northern Va area, partnering with DMV School Portraits means an effortless picture day experience. From the beginning with open and clear communication, our efficient picture day workflow, parent communication, and our online proofing and ordering system - we strive to give our partner schools an easy, stress-free, and enjoyable experience. We manage all aspects of picture day for you, freeing up your administrative staff to focus on other priorities instead of handling picture day logistics.
As a small, family-owned local business, we genuinely care about our partner schools. We are committed to providing you with the best picture-day experience possible!

before picture day

In order to schedule your picture day, the first step is to contact us for a chat about the process and to discuss your school's needs. After we sign an agreement, your picture day is on the calendar!

We primarily photograph students outdoors, preferably under some type of shade. We'll work together in the weeks prior to school picture day to determine the best possible places for photographing students. Safety is our first priority, second to ideal lighting conditions, achieved by the use of natural sunlight. If you are interested in an indoor option, let us know! We can talk about the different options available.

A month before picture day, schools provide us with a list of student names and parent/guardian emails. Emails are ONLY used to communicate picture day information. 
 About two weeks before picture day, we email all parents/guardians and provide them the information they need for picture day, including how to access their galleries after picture day.  They also receive our direct contact information so that we may handle all parent questions and concerns directly.


on picture day

On picture day, we will arrive approximately 30 minutes before pictures begin to set up and prepare for student and staff photos. Staff/parent volunteers help bring the students to have their picture taken and return them to class. 

During our time with each child, they are encouraged to laugh, showcase their unique personality, and have a good time. The end results are genuine, timeless, and display-worthy portraits. We provide a light and fun experience for students and take pride in providing an environment where the they can relax and enjoy their portrait experience. 

Our picture day workflow is efficient, and we try to move quickly while giving each student the time they need - without compromising the quality of the images. 

After picture day

Within 10 days after picture day, parents/guardians will be emailed their child's personal access code and link to view and order images. Purchased prints and products are mailed directly to the student's home and digital files are delivered via email.

Galleries are open for approximately 3-4 weeks. After the ordering window has ended, your school will receive digital images of each child and staff members that were photographed. You may use these images for the yearbook, ID cards, programs, and other school needs.

contact US

Let's talk about scheduling your school's next picture day! we handle the logistics for a seamless Experience.


Have a PreK-12th grader? Don't miss our Picture Day Pop-Ups—quick, easy, and full of giggles!

Almost there!

Want to make sure you’re the first to know about mini childhood sessions, family session dates,  and promotions from your favorite DC, Maryland, and Northern Virginia child photographer? Just drop me your name and email address to stay up to date. And as a little “thank you,” I’ll send you a guide with 5 Tips to Take Better Pictures of Your Children!